Saturday, February 26, 2011

Pinky Tuscadero

I was lucky to finish a few paintings at the recent art workshop here - one of a filly that is just too much fun - a bit cheeky and fit the color pink (which I don't normally use because I dislike it almost as much as purple!). But the color fit for her. I wanted to contrast the light colors hitting her back and mane with something and the pink helped that pop out, which drawing less attention to her legs.

The other painting is un named right now - not 100% sure I am done, but he came along nicely at the workshop. I like to choose a contrasting background to help the horses pop out and I usually do my backgrounds first - a few layers at a time with subtle additions of color to provide some depth. These don't always come out in photos (especially on the web), but this has contrast near his nostrils to make it appear like you can see his breath.

Likely taking a break here in the new few weeks, but will get back at it with the next drop in. Enjoy...

Painting horses workshop

This past weekend I led a workshop on Painting horses at the Broody Rooster. The workshop gave me a chance to package some of the ideas I have been developing over time and teach those to an audience. The photo shows Tammy Mercer painting her boy Whiskey – which she completed and brought home by the end of the weekend.

If you missed this one, I am having another one down at Twincreeks on April 2-3rd. For more information on that event or to sign up – see Deb’s calendar of events . For hers, come and stay the night, bring your horse and fit in a ride or two or a private clinic with Deb who does amazing Natural Horsemanship work.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Haflinger Hoofbeats

I just finished this painting of two halfingers galloping across a field. I love the energy and colors of these horses and the image of two buddies running in unison inspired me. I ended up working on it for sometime – at my drop in sessions on Thursday nights. I bought a few new brushes which are working out well, and allowing me to keep loose when painting – this gives more movement to the horses, especially on a small canvas.

If you are so inspired – the painting is now added to the Gallery and available for sale – so think about it! I am also going to continue this series and get myself set up for some art cards for the Gallery.

Onwards to the next one!