Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Art profile on Shaw Cable

This year, just prior to the Artisan Tour, I was asked if I could meet with the folks at Shaw Cable to do a short clip on my art. When the crew arrived, I learned that it would be a bit more extensive, but they walked me through the process and produced a nice clip.  They asked about what inspires me, how I work, features of my studio/gallery and workshops. I must admit I was really nervous about it, but the process was quite fun in the end. 

I kept hearing from folks who had seen the clip, but hadn't had a chance to see it until tonight! Other than seeing my wrinkles and age creeping up on me, I am quite pleased - thanks Shaw for the coverage.

If you are keen to take a watch, you can view the clip here: NICOLE VAUGEOIS ON SHAW CABLE