Monday, November 22, 2010

Deck the halls at the Broody Rooster

Well, the past four days have been a whirl wind - the Cedar Yellowpoint Artisan Tour was a great success for the Broody Rooster Gallery. This was my first year on the tour and the first day was also my first day of business for the Gallery. I was very excited and nervous at the same time - and four days later - I am tired, but very satisfied with the outcome.

I was told it would be busy, but had no idea just how busy it would be. By 11:30 am on Thursday, I had to quit counting. Folks kept rolling in the doors. It appears that my guess on what would be appealing to folks was on for the most part - everything from stockings to the horse calendars went well and I was able to sell five paintings.

Thanks to everyone who came out to support the Broody Rooster's first days in business - my friends, colleagues, neighbors, family and students. It was a pleasure to chat with folks, share items and ideas and of course, to sell some of the inventory that has been building in my sewing room and art studio for the past year.

I will be open on the weekends til Christmas from 11 am to 4 pm - so if you missed the tour but want to head on by for items - come on by. The workshop calendar is almost ready - more will be added as we gather ideas from others - keep posted and I will share these on the Broody Rooster site as I design it in the upcoming week.

Now, for some sleep, apple pie and time with John...

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Hospital painting

I spent a couple of weeks in October in Alberta with my family as my mom was in for surgery. As I knew I would spend a bit of time in the hospital, I decided to bring along my paints for something to keep me occupied. Being creative is also a way to keep my mind off things and I needed more paintings for the Gallery opening.

Here are a few of the paintings that I was able to get done while back...

  • Worker bee is my older gelding Magnum - you may remember seeing this image of him on an earlier blog entry when he was learning to work under harness
  • Tripod is an image of a foal with legs a bit too long for snacking...
  • And Backscratchers is a photo I started at the Horsin Around event in the spring, but finally got time to finish.
I did two more paintings that I didn't take photos of - one for my niece Caitlin riding in the field (see earlier blog entry as well), and one of a friends horse Portia for my neice Jordan's Birthday.

I still struggle to take good photos of the paintings - they just don't seem to come out quite right... but these are here nonetheless.