Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A+ to my students

This past weekend I spent down at one of my favorite places, Twincreeks Bed, Bale and Breakfast in Duncan. Deborah Flinn and I partnered up to offer a Painting Horses weekend where folks could bring their horse and their paints for a weekend of fun.

I had Jackie, Bonnie and Launie take part in the workshop - all of them did fantastic work and completed not just one entire painting, but two! I was quite impressed with their efforts - they just didn't put the brushes down! See the photos here of their work. I had a tough time keeping up with them!

This sort of getaway works well - bring your horse, get fed deluxe food, socialize, learn and leave with some great artwork, of your own creation for your walls at home. Deborah and I will likely plan another one and make it three days to allow more time for some riding too - so if you are interested, let me know and we will keep you in the loop on the next one.