This past weekend I spent time at one of my favourite places - Twincreeks - with some of my favourite people, doing my favourite thing - creating images of horses. Last spring I did a painting horses workshop at Twincreeks and mentioned to Deb that we should try to get some other artists to do similar workshops. Through good fortune, Deb and Launie were able to talk Joan Larson into doing the workshop to share her skills.
Now, I often say that when I buy a horse, I can tell a lot about the horse by the owner. I think I will extend that sentiment to artists as well. I have always been a fan of Joan's work and after spending a weekend with her, have even more respect for her. Generousity and humility are virtues that I value highly, and this lady exudes plenty of both. She shared graciously her own lessons, goals, tips and secrets. When I left, I truly felt blessed to have learned from her - to have benefited from her eyes and suggestions on my work and to have watched her in action. Sometimes in life, but rarely, the stars align for us. When they do, we need to be attentive, responsive and observant. I look forward to spending more time with her and the other artists I spent the weekend with. Thanks Deb and Launie, once again for your hospitality. I hope that the little gift of "Topper" graces the walls of your home and welcomes future guests for years to come.
Now, I often say that when I buy a horse, I can tell a lot about the horse by the owner. I think I will extend that sentiment to artists as well. I have always been a fan of Joan's work and after spending a weekend with her, have even more respect for her. Generousity and humility are virtues that I value highly, and this lady exudes plenty of both. She shared graciously her own lessons, goals, tips and secrets. When I left, I truly felt blessed to have learned from her - to have benefited from her eyes and suggestions on my work and to have watched her in action. Sometimes in life, but rarely, the stars align for us. When they do, we need to be attentive, responsive and observant. I look forward to spending more time with her and the other artists I spent the weekend with. Thanks Deb and Launie, once again for your hospitality. I hope that the little gift of "Topper" graces the walls of your home and welcomes future guests for years to come.
My art goal this year was to learn pastels so this was great. Joan gave us a demo Friday night and I saw lots of ability to transfer lessons from drawing and acrylics over to this medium. So, I started with a photo of a filly of Linda and Tom Baxter's that I fell in love with this fall. That went well (fourth photo), so I moved onto another photo of Topper that I did this fall as well. I must admit that it was great to have good source photos of my own - helped me immensely with inspiration and quality lighting. The last one I tried (second shown) was out of my ordinary - pinks and purples - a horse that must be a Peruvian by the way he holds his feet - looks a bit like a friend Linda Warnock's horse Smoke so I called him "Pucka Pucka". The other shot is of me giving Deb the image of Topper - and we have Joan in the photo as well. So, lots to practice to learn this new medium but I love the way it works so am looking quite forward to adding it to my repertoire. Thanks Joan!
iphone shots - sorry they aren't the best quality!