Friday, December 4, 2009


When I was young I would get a picture of something in my minds eye and I was compelled to sketch until it came out. That feeling faded in regularity over the years, but it has been coming back more often now that I am allowing myself more creative time.

After creating "liberty" last week, I had an image come to mind of my horse Simba that I wanted to get out. Simba is a left brain introvert who is one of the most courageous horses I have ever met. He is very handsome and knows it - muscles, dun, prominent dorsal stripe, long mane with natural highlights. If he was a person he would be Brad Pitt. He was also babied when he was young and seems to have no fear of humans or other critters.

A few years ago John and I took the boys (Magnum and Simba) throughout BC and Alberta with the horse trailer and when we were camped in Wells Gray Park we had a bear encounter. I have never seen a better example of fight and flight in one moment. Magnum flew to the other side of the corral and Simba when right up to the fence with "emphasis" and told the bear in no uncertain terms to "get lost". Over the years we have seen this happen to others that have entered his domain - and his body language is always the same - very distinct. He arches his neck, raises his front legs (which are usually in forward motion) gives a "look" and flags his ears back. This image of his courage was just edging to get out of me so I painted it.

I am not sure if it is cliche for an artist to love their own work? Like comedians who are not supposed to laugh at their own jokes? Oh well, doesn't matter - I love it and will have a hard time parting with it. My husband says if there is one word that he would use to describe it (it is 30 x 40 so very large) it would be "power". See what you think.

Off to Hawaii for a couple of weeks so the artist in me will have to wait. I'll have the camera with me though so may get some shots to post when I return.

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